Hashes: 163
Hares: 14
Virgin/Visitor: 1
Total Hashes: 178
Appearances: 5
Hare Percentage: 7.87%
# | Date | Num | Name | Location | Type |
1 | 03/07/2012 | 1001 | Fist in her Furry A$$ & Stink Palm | Clayton | Virgin/Visitor |
2 | 03/14/2012 | 1003 | GDR Prelube (McPostage, O'Rudy, 2:19) | Benton Park | Hasher |
3 | 03/21/2012 | 1005 | Locknut Monster | Brentwood | Hasher |
4 | 03/28/2012 | 1007 | Whiney Bitch & Norman Bates | Forest Park | Hasher |
5 | 04/11/2012 | 1009 | Shoeless Hoe Jackson & Pukes, Fucks, and Leaves | Hasher | |
6 | 05/23/2012 | 1018 | Fuck Me Rudolph | Dogtown | Hasher |
7 | 05/30/2012 | 1020 | BJ and the Bucks (Five, that is) | Downtown | Hasher |
8 | 06/06/2012 | 1021 | Shits Bricks and Douche Skywalker | Hasher | |
9 | 06/13/2012 | 1023 | Postage Tramp and Shits Jemima, Eh? | Hasher | |
10 | 09/26/2012 | 1046 | International House of Penis & Burn Rubber | Burns Rubbers' Birthday Trail | Hasher |
11 | 10/03/2012 | 1047 | Fuck Me Rudolph | Hasher | |
12 | 10/10/2012 | 1048 | TSA and Headlights | Hasher | |
13 | 10/24/2012 | 1051 | Fake Bake and Beaner Weiner | World Peace Thru Beer | Hasher |
14 | 10/31/2012 | 1053 | Locknut's Zombie Hashpocalypse | Hasher | |
15 | 11/10/2012 | 1055 | Purdy, PFL and Cow Cock | Bacon Hash | Hasher |
16 | 11/14/2012 | 1056 | Holy Thunder & You'll Go Blind!!! | Hasher | |
17 | 12/12/2012 | 1062 | Dewey Sexual System and 2:19 from Chicago | Last Globiette Harriette until 2101! | Appearance |
17 | 12/26/2012 | 1065 | Santa's Hoes - A Xmas Pub Crawl | Dogtown | Hasher |
18 | 01/02/2013 | 1066 | Bozo and Headlights | The Hill | Appearance |
18 | 03/16/2013 | 1082 | GreenDress2013 | Dogtown | Hasher |
19 | 04/24/2013 | 1090 | Mismanagement Erections | Hasher | |
20 | 05/01/2013 | 1092 | IHOP & Burn(s) Rubber(s) | Hasher | |
21 | 07/10/2013 | 1106 | Purdy's 3rd Anal Blazin' Botanical Beer Stop Trail | Hasher | |
22 | 07/31/2013 | 1111 | Disco Ass | Hasher | |
23 | 09/18/2013 | 1122 | Catholic School Girl w/G Tort and Penthouse | Hasher | |
24 | 03/12/2014 | 1159 | Mc2:19's "Happy Birthday GDR Pre-Lube" | Hasher | |
25 | 06/04/2014 | 1177 | Headlights and PFL | Tower Grove | Hasher |
26 | 06/28/2014 | 1182 | Three Inch King & Donkey Style | Downtown STL | Hasher |
27 | 07/09/2014 | 1184 | My Coat Is Harrier Than My Balls & Just Stacy | Hasher | |
28 | 08/06/2014 | 1191 | Purdy Mouth & My Coat Is Harrier Than My Balls | 4th Anal Blazin' Botanical Beer Stop Trail | Hasher |
29 | 08/23/2014 | 1195 | BUNGLE IN THE JUNGLE | Bird's Nest Lodge, Steelville, MO | Hasher |
30 | 09/17/2014 | 1200 | The F&CKING Catholic School Girl Hash | Fake Bake F&ck, F&ck Me Pumps and 2F&ck Canuck | Hasher |
31 | 10/29/2014 | 1209 | LockNut's (and Disco Ass) | Annual Hashoween | Hasher |
32 | 11/26/2014 | 1215 | Puke Halt & Just Stacy | Central West End | Hasher |
33 | 12/17/2014 | 1219 | Postage Tramp/Fake Bake F&ck | Webster Groves | Hasher |
34 | 03/11/2015 | 1236 | Postage Tramp's GDR Pre-Lube | Downtown STL | Hasher |
35 | 03/14/2015 | 1237 | 2015 GREEN DRESS RUN | Central West End | Hasher |
36 | 03/25/2015 | 1239 | Donkey Style, Three Inch King, Kibbles 'n Dicks | South City | Hare |
37 | 04/11/2015 | 1243 | Kibbles and Three Inch | Hare | |
38 | 04/22/2015 | 1245 | Free Mustache Rides & Kibbles n' Dicks | Benton Park Neighborhood | Hare |
39 | 05/09/2015 | 1249 | Nurse HashShit | Troy, IL | Hasher |
40 | 05/13/2015 | 1250 | Puke Halt | Hasher | |
41 | 06/27/2015 | 1259 | GoldieHopDonkeyWrek | Tilles Park IN THE CITY | Hasher |
42 | 07/18/2015 | 1264 | Tough Liver 2015 | Mine La Motte, MO | Hasher |
43 | 08/26/2015 | 1273 | Dewey & IHOP | Hasher | |
44 | 09/09/2015 | 1275 | $5$5$5 and Free Mustache Rides | Soulard | Hasher |
45 | 09/12/2015 | 1276 | Claim To Flame & Beaner Wiener | Hasher | |
46 | 09/16/2015 | 1277 | Catholic School Girl (Headlights & Puke Halt) | Hasher | |
47 | 09/23/2015 | 1278 | Purple Muffin Stuffin' & Greg LooseAnus | Maplewood | Hasher |
48 | 09/26/2015 | 1279 | Kibbles 'n Dicks/If the Dick Fits You Must Acquit | Hare | |
49 | 09/30/2015 | 1280 | Disco Ass & Lack of Oxygen | The Grove | Hasher |
50 | 10/07/2015 | 1281 | Lampshade Hash - PMS & Eye Swallow | Soulard | Hasher |
51 | 12/23/2015 | 1297 | Pub Crawl - Ice Princess & Funny BoneHer | The Hill | Hasher |
52 | 02/03/2016 | 1306 | Toxic Waste | Cherokee Street | Hasher |
53 | 03/16/2016 | 1315 | Dewey Sexual System | Lafayette Square | Hasher |
54 | 03/19/2016 | 1316 | 16TH AN'AL GREEN DRESS RUN | Central West End | Hasher |
55 | 04/09/2016 | 1321 | Kibbles & Three Inch | Hare | |
56 | 04/13/2016 | 1322 | Disco Ass & Cum on the Record | Overland | Hasher |
57 | 04/27/2016 | 1325 | LockNut Monster | Shrewsbury | Hasher |
58 | 05/04/2016 | 1326 | MisManagement E'rections | Maplewood | Hasher |
59 | 06/25/2016 | 1337 | Dewey Sexual System | BIKE HASH | Hasher |
60 | 06/29/2016 | 1338 | Greg LooseAnus & Tased and Confused | Clayton, MO | Hasher |
61 | 07/20/2016 | 1342 | PMS & Dapper Sapper | Soulard | Hasher |
62 | 07/27/2016 | 1344 | Disco Ass | Town & Country | Hasher |
63 | 08/03/2016 | 1345 | LockNut Monster | South City | Hasher |
64 | 08/13/2016 | 1347 | Bungle in the Jungle | Steeleville, MO | Hasher |
65 | 08/24/2016 | 1349 | Tased and Confused / $5, $5, $5 | Hasher | |
66 | 09/07/2016 | 1352 | Fake Bake Fvck & Tased and Confused | Deer Creek Park, Maplewood, MO | Hasher |
67 | 09/28/2016 | 1357 | Licks and Sticks & Splash Mount'em | Shrewsbury | Hasher |
68 | 10/05/2016 | 1358 | Kibbles 'n Dicks, Strap On & Donkey Style | Tower Grove | Hare |
69 | 10/12/2016 | 1360 | Psycho FillHer & LockNut Monster | South City (55 & Broadway) | Hasher |
70 | 10/22/2016 | 1362 | World Peace Thru Beer | Frankie TDTPE & Princess Pussy Pants | Hasher |
71 | 10/26/2016 | 1363 | Halloween Hash - LockNut & Greg LA | Kirkwood | Hasher |
72 | 02/22/2017 | 1387 | Go Gayhound and Psycho FillHer | South City | Hasher |
73 | 03/22/2017 | 1393 | McPostage O'Tramp - GDR Prelube | Lafayette Square | Appearance |
73 | 03/25/2017 | 1394 | 2017 GREEN DRESS RUN | Hasher | |
74 | 06/07/2017 | 1409 | Psycho FillHer & Postage Tramp | Dog Town | Hasher |
75 | 07/12/2017 | 1417 | Strap On & Sex Pit | Hasher | |
76 | 07/22/2017 | 1419 | Beaner Weaner & Disco Ass - Bike Hash (BASH) | Berra Park | Hasher |
77 | 08/23/2017 | 1425 | Puke Halt & Headlights | Hasher | |
78 | 09/06/2017 | 1428 | Puke Halt & Tased & Confused | Downtown riverfront - graffiti wall | Hasher |
79 | 09/23/2017 | 1432 | Beaver Chaser - CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL HASH!!!! | South City - Francis Park Handjob courts | Hasher |
80 | 09/27/2017 | 1433 | Cow Cock, Colorado, and Goldie Cox Birthday Trail! | Chouteau Park - Forest Park Southeast, St. Louis | Hasher |
81 | 10/28/2017 | 1439 | World Peace Thru Beer! By G-Tort | Benton Park | Hasher |
82 | 12/06/2017 | 1447 | Go Gay Hound & Just Mike | Hasher | |
83 | 03/14/2018 | 1468 | GDR Pre-Lube / Beer Mile! ~ Dewey | Lafayette Park | Hasher |
84 | 04/11/2018 | 1474 | 5$ 5$ 5$ | Hasher | |
85 | 05/12/2018 | 1481 | Kibbles & Just Dan | Tambo Park | Hare |
86 | 07/18/2018 | 1495 | Frankie's 17th Anniversary Trail | Crestwood | Hasher |
87 | 08/08/2018 | 1499 | Headlights and Postage | Northampton | Hasher |
88 | 09/08/2018 | 1506 | Kibbles n' Dicks | The Hill | Hare |
89 | 09/19/2018 | 1508 | Catholic School Girl Hash w/ Dewey & Puke Halt | Webster Groves | Hasher |
90 | 10/24/2018 | 1515 | World Peace Through Beer w/ Cum System | Wasted on the steps of the U.N. building. | Hasher |
91 | 12/12/2018 | 1526 | Go Gayhound | Tower Grove South | Appearance |
91 | 12/19/2018 | 1527 | XMas Pub Crawl w/ IP, Dos, and FunnyBH | Southwest Gardens | Hasher |
92 | 03/13/2019 | 1545 | Fake Bake and Vomit Comet | Central West End | Hasher |
93 | 03/20/2019 | 1546 | 4th An(nu)al Beer Mile presented by Stag | Ellendale | Hasher |
94 | 03/23/2019 | 1547 | 18th Annual Green Dress Run | Downtown St. Louis | Hasher |
95 | 07/03/2019 | 1568 | Record & Donkey | Northampton | Hasher |
96 | 07/13/2019 | 1570 | Strap-On Humping Birthday Hangover Hash | Fox Park | Hasher |
97 | 07/24/2019 | 1572 | Oh! Am I Haring? Hash | Cherokee Park | Hasher |
98 | 08/14/2019 | 1577 | Sweet Ho and Strap On's Bungle ReKaraokevery Trail | Christy Park | Hasher |
99 | 08/21/2019 | 1578 | Lingere Hash w How Do You Like My Headlights | Chouteau Park | Hasher |
100 | 10/09/2019 | 1588 | Locknut and Headlights are Gettin Hitched! | Lindenwood Park | Hasher |
101 | 11/27/2019 | 1599 | Blackout Wednesday Hash with TSA | Franz Park | Hasher |
102 | 12/18/2019 | 1603 | Christmas Pub Crawl: Ice Princess & Sweet Ho & GHV | Cherokee Street | Hasher |
103 | 06/02/2021 | 1623 | Purdy Mouth | 3843 Bamberger Ave St Louis MO | Hasher |
104 | 06/23/2021 | 1627 | Dewey Birthday Hash | Deer Creek Park, Maplewood MO | Hasher |
105 | 08/04/2021 | 1636 | Strap On's National White Wine Day Hash | Flynn Park, U-City | Hasher |
106 | 08/18/2021 | 1639 | Maybe It's Meth's Cum Back Trail | Oak Knoll Park, Clayton | Hasher |
107 | 08/28/2021 | 1641 | Trail and World Naked Bike Ride Watch Party | Cherokee Park | Hasher |
108 | 09/08/2021 | 1643 | PeePolé | River City Casino parking lot SE corner | Hasher |
109 | 09/11/2021 | 1644 | Mustache N Dicks Rides | McDonald Park | Hare |
110 | 09/15/2021 | 1645 | Erections | Chinese Pavilion (obvi) | Hasher |
111 | 09/22/2021 | 1646 | Meth's Recovery Hash | behind the SLU track on Lasalle st | Hasher |
112 | 09/25/2021 | 1647 | 5th An'al Bridesmaids Hash | Statue of the Naked Truth | Hasher |
113 | 09/29/2021 | 1648 | Three Way Hash: Meth, DDD, Strap-On | Larson Park | Hasher |
114 | 10/06/2021 | 1649 | Cuntlery and Mr. Poopy Butthole | St Louis Community College Merrimac South West parking lot | Hasher |
115 | 10/13/2021 | 1651 | TSA and Tazed Pumpkin 2k | Francis R Slay Park | Hasher |
116 | 10/20/2021 | 1652 | Maybe It's Meth, But Definitely Whiney | Forest Park Picnic Pavilion #8 | Hasher |
117 | 10/23/2021 | 1653 | World Peace Through Beer Hash | Tower Grove Park Old Playground Shelter | Hasher |
118 | 10/27/2021 | 1654 | Sweet Ho's Halloween Hash | Carondelet Park Boathouse | Hasher |
119 | 11/17/2021 | 1658 | Black Tar Bomber & Strap On | Lindenwood Park Pavilion | Hasher |
120 | 11/24/2021 | 1659 | A Purdy Drunk Blackout Wednesday Hash | Loughborough Lowes & Schnucks parking lot | Hasher |
121 | 12/15/2021 | 1664 | Frankie's Holeiday Lights Hash | Francis Park Handball court, Saint Louis, MO | Hasher |
122 | 12/22/2021 | 1665 | VACCINATED Hole-iday Pub Crawl & Gift Exchange | Cherokee Street | Hasher |
123 | 02/09/2022 | 1675 | DDD and Cum in Sumthing | Benton Park | Hasher |
124 | 03/02/2022 | 1680 | Strap-On Birthday Trail | Soulard | Hasher |
125 | 03/12/2022 | 1682 | After the Parade with Disco Ass | Shamrock Pub Parking Lot | Hasher |
126 | 03/23/2022 | 1684 | 5th An(nu)al Beer Mile presented by Stag | Lafayette Park - Corner of Park and Mississippi (NE corner) | Hasher |
127 | 04/06/2022 | 1687 | Meth-a-thon Leg #3 with Locknut Monster | Brentwood | Hasher |
128 | 04/09/2022 | 1688 | Meth-a-thon Leg #4 with DDD | Brentwood Park | Hasher |
129 | 04/27/2022 | 1692 | Meth-a-Thon Leg #7 | Frontenac | Hasher |
130 | 05/04/2022 | 1693 | TSA's Tequila Mile | SLU Med School track | Hasher |
131 | 05/18/2022 | 1696 | Meth-a-thon leg #9 w Cuntankerous | Kaufman Park, University City | Hasher |
132 | 05/25/2022 | 1697 | Meth-a-thon Leg #10 w Sweet Ho Alabama | Heman Park | Hasher |
133 | 05/28/2022 | 1698 | Train To Glory/Methathon Hangover Trail | Lafayette Park | Hasher |
134 | 06/11/2022 | 1701 | Homecumming hash | Cypress North Pavilion, Tower Grove Park | Hasher |
135 | 06/15/2022 | 1702 | Black Tar Bomber & Fat Liner | Carondelet Park Pavilion #1A | Hasher |
136 | 06/22/2022 | 1703 | Dewey Birthday Trail | Sublette Park | Hasher |
137 | 06/25/2022 | 1704 | Pride Weekend Hash | Ryan Hummert Memorial Park | Hasher |
138 | 07/13/2022 | 1708 | Five Bucks' Catch the Hare Hash | Parking lot by Steinberg Skating Rink, in Forest Park | Hasher |
139 | 08/31/2022 | 1718 | Bring a Virgin Hash | Willmore Park | Hasher |
140 | 09/07/2022 | 1719 | Disco's 20th Analversary of Hashing | Eileen Pfeifer Shelter in St. Charles | Hasher |
141 | 09/21/2022 | 1722 | Cum in Sumthing Hash | Pontiac Park | Hasher |
142 | 09/24/2022 | 1723 | 6th Anal Always a Bridesmaid Hash | 3500 Hartford St, St. Louis, MO 63118 | Hasher |
143 | 10/05/2022 | 1725 | Lack of Oxy-gen walkers trail | Bangert Park | Hasher |
144 | 10/22/2022 | 1729 | World Peace Through Beer Hash w Princess Ho | Carondelet Park Boathouse | Hasher |
145 | 11/09/2022 | 1732 | Fake Bake's 60th Birthday Party | McDonald Park, 4200 Utah St., St. Louis, MO | Hasher |
146 | 11/12/2022 | 1733 | Kibbles n Dicks Fox Park Fun | Fox Park, 2733 Victor St., St. Louis, MO 63104 | Hare |
147 | 01/11/2023 | 1745 | Vomit’s TGS trail | McDonald Park, 4200 Utah St, St. Louis, MO 63116 | Hasher |
148 | 02/22/2023 | 1754 | Get a Dos of Hashing | Compton Hill Reservoir Park | Hasher |
149 | 02/25/2023 | 1755 | 2FC & Just Ed’s Search for a Bag-o-shots | Francis R Slay Park, McCausland Ave | Hasher |
150 | 03/08/2023 | 1757 | Dewey’s Pre-GDR Beer Mile | Lafayette Square Park, Corner of Park & Mississippi | Hasher |
151 | 03/11/2023 | 1758 | St. Louis' 21st Anal Green Dress Run | Red Roof Plus, 5823 Wilson Ave, St Louis, MO 63110 | Hasher |
152 | 03/15/2023 | 1759 | Tased + Mystery Hare | Thurman & DeTonty, under the bridge | Hasher |
153 | 03/29/2023 | 1762 | DDD’s PokerPalooza | Global Foods, Kirkwood, MO | Hasher |
154 | 04/22/2023 | 1767 | Kibbles n’ Mustache Finally Get It Together | Terry Park, 3200 Eads Ave | Hare |
155 | 05/03/2023 | 1769 | TSA’s Tequila Mile | SLU Medical Center Stadium, 3300 Hickory | Hasher |
156 | 05/10/2023 | 1770 | International Dicklomat’s Midtown Romp | Pulitzer Art Foundation’s Tree Grove, 3687 Olive St | Hasher |
157 | 05/17/2023 | 1772 | Fatliner | Harry S. Truman Park, 7037 Howdershell Rd, Hazelwood, MO | Hasher |
158 | 06/21/2023 | 1779 | TSA & Dewey’s Birthday Week Finale! | First Park Visitor center East Parking Lot | Hasher |
159 | 06/24/2023 | 1780 | Kibbles Saves the Hareraiser! | 2139 Oregon Ave | Hare |
160 | 06/28/2023 | 1781 | Whiney Bitch’s King of Prussia Hash | St. Louis Art Museum west Parking Lot | Hasher |
161 | 07/08/2023 | 1783 | Party by the River! | Allentown Access, 6208 Hunters Ford Rd., Pacific, MO | Hasher |
162 | 07/26/2023 | 1787 | QPM’s Shrewsbury Show | Wehner Park, 7600 Hazel Ave, Shrewsbury | Hare |
163 | 08/12/2023 | 1790 | Bungle in the Jungle | Steeleville, MO | Hasher |
164 | 08/16/2023 | 1791 | Fake Bake’s Post Bungle Reckoning | 7419 Watson Rd, Shrewsbury, MO | Hasher |
165 | 09/09/2023 | 1796 | The Asshole’s Guide to Brentwood | 102 The Blvd Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 63117 | Hare |
166 | 10/14/2023 | 1803 | StLH3’s 40th Anniversary Weekend Event | Cypress South Pavilion in Tower Grove Park | Hasher |
167 | 11/08/2023 | 1808 | Whistle While You Poop & Princess Starkissed | Deer Creek Park, Dutton Ave & Marshall Ave, Webster Groves | Hasher |
168 | 11/22/2023 | 1811 | Skanksgiving by Headlights & Dos | Mason School, 6031 Southwest Ave | Appearance |
168 | 11/25/2023 | 1812 | The War of 1812 | Fort Belle Fontaine | Hasher |
169 | 11/29/2023 | 1813 | Disco at Lafayette Square | Lafayette Square, 2023 Lafayette Ave, St. Louis, MO 63104 | Hasher |
170 | 12/20/2023 | 1817 | Christmas Gift Exchange | Tropical Liqueurs, 4104 Manchester Rd | Hasher |
171 | 01/27/2024 | 1825 | QPM's Brewery to Brewery Half Marathon | Modern Brewery | Hasher |
172 | 02/07/2024 | 1827 | 2FC & Just Morgan in Creve Coeur | Behind The Post at 763 Old Ballas Rd | Hasher |
173 | 03/22/2024 | 1837 | Green Dress Run 2024 | Forest Park Hotel, 5915 Wilson Ave, St. Louis, MO | Hasher |
174 | 05/01/2024 | 1845 | It’s Gonna Be Just Mary & Just Brandon Productio | McDonald Park, 4200 Utah St. | Hasher |
175 | 05/11/2024 | 1847 | Cockular & Just Mary Hare Again | Carondalet Park Bandstand | Hasher |
176 | 08/10/2024 | 1866 | DDD’s Buffett of Fun | Franz Park | Hasher |
177 | 08/24/2024 | 1869 | Bungle In the Jungle | The Rafting Company, Steelville, MO | Hasher |
178 | 12/18/2024 | 1893 | IP’s Christmas Pub Crawl Gift Exchange | ITap Soulard, 1711 S 9th St | Hasher |