Three Way Hash: Meth, DDD, Strap-On @ Larson Park
Hash Trash:
Hash Trash 1648
By Mr. Poopy Butthole
Meow meow meeeeeeooooowww. Mrao. Hares: Triple D, Strap-On, Maybe It's Meth. Mew mew
mew Larson Park. Mrao. RA: Sweet Ho Alabama mereww PrrrrreRRRRRRRrrRrrrRrrRRRRRr
Virgin mewmew Just Dad HsssssssSSSSHHHHG So fucking long (5.5-6.75mi) hissssss and I
only r@n kkkksssss 2 blocks. Mmmmmrrrrow mewmewmew meow. Needed cash, mask, ID
meowowowow meow meow meow meow. Water crossing hissss Shiggy prrrrrrrrrr Just Shadow
puuuuRRRRRrrrr Meow meow meow mew. Maaaaoo mreauu mrew mew meow.
"Bug DDD or Strap-On for the description." ~Meth
$7 Hash Cash, exact change or Paypal only. No hundoes or fifties.