Cyanide & Happiness @
CITY OF ST. LOUIS (BH4) -- The pack that met in the parking lot next to the Ed Jones Dome was a little sparse, like there was something going on. Thanks to Bat-Star, we had a wide range of beer on hand to welcome the eclectic pack:
Hamm's, Hamm's Special (light), and Hamm's.
Standing around, the pack watched people approached, and we didn't recognize each other. This was particularly true of Mega-Brew-Frau, Swami, and Snow White the Innocent (names changed to protect the not-so-innoscent, or because I forgot). As it turned out, there were no Big-Humpers hiding in those togs -- just Cuyahogo-go and crAkron folks. Perhaps there was something going on.
Sra. Pussy-farta brought her young tamale boy toy. It was so sad that Fartfignugen missed trail. Other folks who showed for trail: Bat-star's sidekick Bat-sore-cyst, Whiney Hood, Little Irnya, Ardy (Glee, wheelchair...ya know you watch), Dorthee Yam Wet, OC-mania, Lucy-fur, and Mike the Marine (visitor from San Di-aghanistan)
Eventually, the hare, Meta-salad, made an appearance, acted like he did chalk-talk, and then ran for cover. Considering his recent BH4 attendence, everyone was rather impressed that he did that much. All the marks were in chalk, and Meta let it slip that he had his kids help him. After doing trail, it was clear that he found some 5 year olds, gave them a bunch of candy, and told them to make a bunch of arrow with chalk. Ergo, it was a horrible trail, but above the average of most Big Hump trails.
Only three folks were stupid enough and were less fashion encumbered to run trail: Just Mike, Lucy, and Help-me. The rest strutted down Wash Ave in their un-sensible shoes. Trail covered many virgin areas: the Landing, Arch Grounds, Keiner Plaza, City Garden, and Washington Ave. And of course, it was clock-wise, always clockwise.
Around the Arch and City Gardens, there were at least wedding parties taking pictures. Something must have been up. Since we were ending up in so many other peoples' pictures, Dorthy Wet whipped out her camera and we had our own photo sessions. The usual places were used: The runner fountain at Keiner, the Head at the east end of City Garden, the poor white bunnies (Help Me convinced the visitor Just Mike that it was hash tradition to have your picture taken doing nasty things to those bunnies; let's see if he ever returns), and the digital walkers at the west end.
Sprinting into the Dubliner for a beer stop, the walkers were surprised that we were out so long. It takes a while to find arrow every 500 ft. or so, disturb tourisits and wedding photographers, take silly pictures, and to annoy the walkers.
Since we had such great beer for circle, our $7 did buy any pints in the pub.
There was a horror movie on the tele, and Nebraska was wielding a chainsaw. We moseyed back to the parking lot for Hamm's and cookies. Bat-Sex-Man conducted a circle like ritual. Since the hares had abandoned us (They probably didn't want to pay for their own beer at the BN), we had a meta-hare: OCD. She had to drink a number of times. The 4 visitors were brought in. No hash-shits made it to the hash, so we just moved on to Swing Low. After such a shitty trail, it is not surprising that the on-after was so un-memorable. Just ask the birthday girl, Gets Around. So, so unmemorable. Damn that wine fountain.
30 Oct 2010