Nobody has written the Hash Trash yet...WHY ARE WE WAITING!?!?!
Venue: Come out and meet Tijuana Do Me & Chief Horse Pussy, whom many of you contributed while Tijuana was sick with cancer. We had a great time at the Scavenger Hunt that was in honor of them - and they will be in town this weekend to personally thank all of you who were kind enough to support them.
We have a fun trail planned with spectacular views at the beer stopS!
Metro Link Station: No.
Wheel/Stroller/Dog friendly: Yes.
Shiggy or flashlight: Always.
Walker trail: Yes.
General Address: St. Louis, MO 63125
Take I-270 South turns into I-255 at I-55. Take to Telegraph Road exit (HWY 231) Exit North and go approx. 1 mile, where Telegraph splits - make soft Right at Kingston (stay on 231). In about 1 mile, look for Jefferson Barracks Park sign on Right side of Rd, at South Broadway (Will turn into Grant). At park entrance, veer to left and pass the visitor's center and make the first left turn, marked Cye. Look for Hashers in lot.
Downtown St. Louis: 55 South to Germania, exit South. Take Germania (which turns into Marceau) to South Broadway, which is hwy 231. At park entrance, veer to left and pass the visitor's center and make the first left turn, marked Cye. Look for Hashers in lot.
On-After: Rec Room on Telegraph
If you get lost or need further assistance, please contact Bama Mate @ (618) 593-4175.