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Saturday 04/13/2024 #1841

IP & FBF Scavenger Hunt @ Steinburg Ice Skating Rink, 400 Jefferson Dr

Nobody has written the Hash Trash yet...WHY ARE WE WAITING!?!?!


Join us Saturday 4/13/24 for IP & FBF’s 2ND ANNUAL* SCAVENGER HUNT HASH! (*yeah, yeah… we missed 2023)

Circle up at 3:00pm in Forest Park at Steinberg Skating Rink parking lot. https://maps.app.goo.gl/GnqVqmzqt5EpcBQX9

Hunt starts promptly at 3:30pm! Return to Circle by 4:45pm

Trail Info/Rules: - There will be Turkey and Eagle Trails. You will have to go inside some places, so this trail is not really dog friendly. - YOU MUST TAKE technology on trail! You'll need to take pics of most of the scavenger items. - YOU MUST TAKE cash & ID on trail. You only need about $5-$10 for the hunt. - There is a TIME LIMIT for this trail… complete as much as you can and return to Circle by 4:45pm. - You can do the hunt on your own or go with others, but each person must take their own pictures on their own phone (then individually show them to the Hares when you return). - The list of scavenger items will be distributed at 3:25pm. Everyone will only have 5 minutes to review the list prior to take off.

A PRIZE will be awarded to the hasher who completes the most items, in the allotted time. If there is a tie, whoever does it, and is FRB, wins.

On After: TBD, but likely Up Down or El Burro Loco

Big Hump Hash House Harriers - St. Louis, Missouri - Established 1999